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Before we invite people into our home we’re going to their home. Our community, our responsibility. We love the people of Santa Fe and we want to bring hope to them right where they’re at. Hope UC Santa Fe partners with local businesses and non profit organizations, every month, to serve our community.

Get involved today – there is no better way to love your city than to serve it!

This holiday season, we’re coming together to make a difference in our community with two heartfelt efforts:

At Pete’s Place, we’re collecting essential items for the homeless:
– Shampoo & Conditioner
– Soap & Body Wash
– Deodorant
– Underwear & Socks
– Feminine Hygiene Products

Bring these items with you on Sunday. These simple necessities can bring dignity and comfort to those in need.

At Consuelo’s Place, we’re brightening the holidays for 22 children in need with special gifts! Sunday pick up a tag from the tree to select a child to bless. Consuelo’s Place, an interfaith emergency community shelter, supports individuals and families in transitioning to permanent homes.

Let’s show God’s love in a practical way this season by helping those in need right here in our community. Together, we can share hope, joy, and warmth where it’s needed most.

Drop your items off Sunday, Dec 22nd