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We Warmly Welcome You

We invite you and your family to join us for Christmas at Hope UC! A community-wide celebration full of moments that will turn into memories. Take photos with your family and friends, experience a special candle lighting, and hear an encouraging and engaging message from Pastor Larry! We can’t wait to celebrate the beauty and birth of Jesus with you.

We will be having a special Kids Unlimited Presentation taking place after both of our experiences on Sunday, December 17th.

And finally we are excited to come together for our Christmas Eve Celebration for two special experiences at 9am & 11am that includes beautiful music, a thoughtfully-presented Christmas message, candle lighting and more!!


People are often looking for a place to share Christmas with others, and we’d love to welcome your friends, coworkers, family, and neighbors. You can invite them to celebrate Christmas with you in-person or online, and to make it easy we’ve created resources to help you invite others through text, email, and social media. Click on the events to invite someone with to join you for Christmas at Hope UC!


Sign up to serve this Christmas season. Click the link below to get started