Dustin Smith is a teacher, song writer and worship leader, who has a desire to see the nations ignited with a passion for worship. He has an attitude that gives God all the glory, and that attitude transcends age, race, color and nationality.
He and his wife Jeanna have been happily married for over 20 years. They have three children: Jordan, Drew and Asher. Dustin and his family have dedicated to seek the face of God, and has caused them to rise as a voice to the nations that increases the value of God in other people’s eyes. Dustin & Jeanna have been, and continues to be, connected to a local church and are continually inspired by them, the team around them and their own personal journey with God.
The songs and teachings range from adoration to warfare, but the message is the same, the Lord alone is worthy of praise. We believe that when people see God for who He really is, they can’t help but worship loudly and extravagantly.
We hold services every Sunday morning, starting at 10am. You can find the church at the following address:
4683 Columbia Pike
Thompson’s Station, TN 37179
If you have any questions, you can contact us at
Service Schedule
The first Sunday of each month is our “Family Service”. All of our church families will be together in the main building, together! There is no Kids Ministry provided on this Sunday, as we want our kids with us as families, so we can all worship and experience the service together. We are mindful of our kiddos during this service, as we keep things moving along to make it engaging & fun for all ages. These are great services for you to experience HopeUC Nashville, and culture of FAMILY that we’re wanting to create. - SECOND & THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH
These weeks, we will offer Kids Ministry for ages 0-13. Our Kids Ministry (called KidsUNLTD) is open right at the beginning of services, and parents can visit their kids’ ministry area to check their kids in, and learn more about the ministry. Worship and Fellowship begins at 10am in the main barn on the Homestead Property – we’d love to have you come experience it with us! Lastly, on months that have five Sundays, the “extra” Sunday will follow this service format. - LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH
This is when we have our HOME SERVICE SUNDAYS. We are very excited about this approach, and we hope you’ll experience it with us! The last Sunday of each month, all of our church members meet in each other’s homes, all over the Nashville region. Each home has live worship, fellowing, as well as a streaming sermon or “joint” community time. Members attend approved, safe and friendly homes, along with a few other families in that home. The whole family is welcome! We believe that our faith in Jesus goes far beyond the church property. Meeting together at the Homestead Church property is important. But real life, real family and community, happens in our homes. We believe that real friendship and faith, also will come from our homes. For more information on how to join in on these Home Church Sunday Services, come visit one of our other services to get to know us!
By God’s grace we pray that HopeUC will always be a body, a church, a family and a home that is defined by God’s presence.
Worshipful, missional, prayerful, generational, creative, generous, thankful, authentic and completely passionate about people responding to the message of salvation.
And with a shout that resounds through every part of our lives that HOPE is a person, and His name is Jesus.
Let us know you’re coming! We would love to meet you and save you a seat.