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Meals of Hope

Meals of Hope is a local ministry expression of HopeUC, dedicated to bringing hope in the midst of hardship, through the provision of meals and grocery items.

Across our six campuses, we strive to deliver meals, fresh groceries and non-perishable items to families in need. Many of these families are facing challenging circumstances, including financial hardship, illness and family crises.

To find out more about how to receive meals or to nominate someone in need please fill out this form.

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Meals of Hope was initiated in 2020 as a response to COVID-19 to meet the practical needs of our local communities. During this time we have had the opportunity to deliver over 12,000 meals and grocery packs to families and individuals facing hardship.

You can continue to partner with us by bringing donations of non-perishable grocery items to your nearest campus: Charmhaven, Gosford, Maitland, Newcastle, Port Stephens, and the Peninsula. You can also support Meals of Hope by giving to the program directly as well as volunteering to cook, prepare, and deliver meals and grocery packs.



Formerly known as the 1000 Meals Project, Meals of Hope has evolved as Darlene Zschech, our Senior Pastor went through chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer in 2014 and found many going through the journey who did not have adequate practical support and felt that this was one way we as a church could help.

Available free of charge our teams deliver nutritious meals and grocery hampers for families with members currently undergoing cancer treatment in the Central Coast and Hunter Region areas.

Media Enquiries

For media requests (comment, information and images) please click here.